Saturday, August 8, 2009


The Boat has sunk! Man overboard!

Ok, to be serious I'm having a nice ol' fashion problem with the Yacht.

At first I thought it was the collision file causing the problem, but after several billion tests on that, and lowering it to SA standards, and finally a Fly-by of the boat in-game to Finally realise it IS NOT the collision.

So here's the problem:

LOD or Long Range blurry lo-detail model of the boat loads fine in-game, you can fly by it, but when you get close the boat, bang. Game Crash.

I've tried many, many things but it could be even the most minor thing causing this, so I need some help.

Post any idea's or thoughts on what it might be in the chatbox, all help appreciated.
Maybe it's related to textures
Maybe it's something...something...on the main model of the boat

Who knows? maybe you do.



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